How Mack Boots Care For More Than Just Your Feet

The human foot is an amazing piece of engineering consisting of 20 muscles, 28 bones, and 33 joints all with unique functions. Think about it – even though it is an automatic reaction, the amount of functions that one’s feet and ankle bones go through when walking, is phenomenal. The foot performs many complex and opposing functions during each step. After the heel hits the ground, the foot needs flexibility to adapt to uneven surfaces and reduce the loading forces, while during push off, the foot needs to change again to cause and efficiently transmit enough power to the ground. The performance requirements of the foot and ankle are the foundation of the Mack Boots design process, helping them to become one of the leading brands in Safety Footwear. Mack Boots are focussed on improving the health and wellbeing of workers.
Mack aims to look after the foot, lower limb, and the world around us. Through a continuous process of research, innovation, and refinement, Mack Boots produces occupational footwear that is designed to move and perform with the body.
This not only ensures that Mack footwear is the most functional possible, but that it also considers the social and environmental factors contributing to a sustainable future.
What Mack Boots Help With-
- Slips – the soles are designed to maximize adaption to uneven surfaces and maintain traction.
- Trips & Falls – the sole has the natural heel strike position and is lightweight, both helping to reduce the fatigue on the muscles used to lift the toes.
- Sharp Objects – with a flexible woven synthetic fibre midsole layer, Mack Boots can resist a nail penetration even at high compression. (Great for construction sites!)
- Electrical Hazards – Metal-free boots help to reduce the risk of spark ignition.
- Hot contact – nitrile rubber insole provides protection in high heat environments. (Ideal for Road Workers!)
- Side Impact – the ultra-high impact absorbing foam protects the ankle bones from any side strikes.
Designed for both work and play, the Mack Boots are comfortable and functional. As their slogan goes, “Designed to endure. Made to move. Worn to perform.”
See what previous customers have been saying about the Mack Boots!
“I always wear my Mack’s everywhere! I used to be in them 24 hours a day. I had a back operation 10 years ago and I find the Mack’s are the best and most comfortable boots to wear. You have my vote, Mack Boots are the best! I wouldn’t wear anything else.” – Troy.
“I have been working at a shipyard for the past 12 months now, wearing them all day, six days a week and they are without a doubt the most comfortable work boots I have owned in my 25 working years” – Bruce.
“I received a pair of Dingo Boots from a friend in the beginning of the year and was absolutely blown away by the comfort and also resolving a 2-year old injury in my left foot” – Sakki.
Look after your feet today with a pair of Mack Boots –