Create & dismantle effective dust barriers in minutes, leaving no damage at all! As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words…have a look at the gallery we have put together for you!

The ZipWall Barrier System was invented to provide a quick and easy way to set up a dust barrier. ZipWall is a system of adjustable spring-loaded poles and plastic sheeting used to form a dust barrier or create a work zone. The working height options are from 1.5m – 6.0m.

Contractors across all industries have given these products an enthusiastic thumbs-up!

You’ll find ZipWall products on the job in commercial and residential remodeling settings, as well as in flood restoration, mold remediation, and many other applications.


  • Requires no tools, tape or fixings, leaves no damage to walls, ceilings or floors and is reusable many times over.
  • Adds a professional touch to the job site. Having a dust free job site equals happy customers!
  • Ideal for containing dust during renovations, demolition and maintenance in sensitive or occupied areas.
  • Clean-up time, cost and effort are reduced to a minimum.
  • Sets up in minutes with no tape, no ladders, and no damage.

ZipWall is the most effective temporary containment barrier for total dust control, protecting your health and your professional reputation!

Check this brilliant product out here!