Welcome to our no-nonsense guide on painting interior walls—the Kiwi way. Whether you’re a seasoned tradesman or just looking to freshen up your home, this blog post will walk you through the essential steps to make your walls look like a professional job.

Painting a Room

Before we dive into the specifics, here’s a general rule of thumb: Don’t leave a wall half-done, and find those natural stopping points, like a window frame, before you take a break. It’ll save you headaches later on.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty:

1. Brush Basics
Don’t rush to the cutting line with a fully loaded brush. Doing so can lead to messy cutting it and uneven coverage. Instead, paint up to the edge as the paint naturally flows from the brush. Recommend Everest brush…

2. Embrace the Roller
When it comes to painting walls, especially if you’ve got a bit of ground to cover, we’d definitely recommend grabbing a roller. It’s a time-saver and gives you that smooth, professional finish. Recommend microfibre for the best finish.

3. Roll Away
Here’s a top tip: Paint away from yourself. Apply an upward stroke on the wall. This way, any excess paint on your sleeve won’t run down the wall. Always use loaded roller don’t push too hard and don’t try to wring the roller clean. Maintaining a tidy workspace is crucial for a successful paint job.

Our Golden Nugget of Wisdom
Perhaps the most critical aspect of any painting project is selecting the right color. Few things are more frustrating than realizing halfway through that the chosen color isn’t quite what you envisioned. Prior to starting, ensure that you have the correct shade to avoid any disappointments down the line.

There you have it—a thorough guide to achieving a professional finish when painting your interior walls. By following these techniques and heeding our advice, your walls will look pristine and polished. Happy painting!